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Platform to consult the Universal Family Bond 760: how to enroll in the Universal Bond LINK | when does the second group come out | National Register of Households PE | yomequedoencasa.pe | Economy

Universal Family Bonus | Through the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (Between), the Government of Peru began delivering the Universal Family Bonus of 760 soles. President Martín Vizcarra enabled this monetary subsidy with the aim of supporting the well-being of the most vulnerable families during the state of emergency that crosses Peru due to the outbreak of coronavirus. According to the Midis, about 56% of households have already received the subsidy, whose payment includes, from Monday June 8, those who registered in the National Registry of Homes.

It is important to highlight that with the distribution of this money, the Peruvian State expects to reach the 6.8 million beneficiary households that were projected since the beginning of the quarantine. For this, the distribution of the Bonus I stay home, Rural Bonus and Independent Bonus, which have already been collected by 5.3 million beneficiaries.

YOU CAN SEE: Independent Bonus [LINK AQUÍ]: ASK if you are one of those who will receive the S / 760 of the State

CONSULTATION LINK bono familiar universal

Know in this note all the information available on this incentive implemented by the Peruvian Government. Also discover what are the links to the official pages of the bonds published by the Between, where you can check if you are a beneficiary, as well as the modality, dates and places where you can access the 760 soles withdrawal from the universal bonus.

How do I know if I am a beneficiary of the universal family bond of 760 soles?

If you want to ask about the Universal Family Bonus, the user can access the portal I stay at home, which enabled the Between To the general public. On this platform there are direct links to the official pages of each of the subsidies.

To enter the page directly you must CLICK HERE. Once inside, choose the option of bono in which you are interested and complete the information that the system asks you to know if the payment corresponds to you.

Universal Family Bond consultation platform. (Photo: Captura / Midis)

Where to check if I am a beneficiary of the universal family voucher with my DNI?

You can directly consult the official platform of the Universal Family Bonus of 760 soles, through the following link: bonouniversalfamiliar.pe. To find out if you are a beneficiary, register your DAYS and its issue date.

LINK of the universal family bond of 760 soles

He LINK of the Universal Family Bonus It was released on May 20, the same date that the Between began with the distribution of the subsidy. Access to the website is available to the general public, as well as inquiries to find out who is the beneficiary.

YOU CAN SEE: [AQUÍ] State Bonds: Get to know the LINKS of the Universal, Rural, S / 380 and Independent Family Bond

Second register of beneficiaries of the universal family bond

Although the executive director of the program Pension 65 and in charge of the bond payment operation of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (Between). Richard Ruiz, indicated that from June 24 the second registry of beneficiaries of the Universal Family BonusThe truth is that the entry into force of this new group of people has not been formalized.

“There are still between 700,000 and 800,000 beneficiary households to reach the 6.8 million determined for the Universal Bond. These come out of National Registry of HomesThen they go through filters from the corresponding offices and we, as operational managers, will have that register on June 24 to be able to execute the payment, ”Ruiz said days ago in conversations with La República.

Can I register for the universal family bond of 760 soles?

Because in the first list of beneficiaries many families who met the requirements to access the voucher were excluded, the Midis and the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (Reniec) enabled the page of the National Registry of Homes, a platform in which said people could register so that their case could be evaluated and thus receive the subsidy.

However, registration was only available until Wednesday, June 3, so it is currently no longer possible to carry out this process.

The registration period in the National Registry of Homes expired on June 3. (Photo: Captura / Midis)

Where to enroll in the universal family bond of 760 soles?

The option to enroll in the Universal Family Bonus. Previously this could be done on the platform of the RNational Household Registry, but, when entering this page now, the user will only find a message informing about the end of the registration period.

When is the universal family bonus collected?

He Universal Family Bonus It can already be cashed in hundreds of private banking agencies, as well as from National bank and its ATMs Multired.

YOU CAN SEE: Second Bonus 380 soles: CHECK NOW if you are in the pattern of the subsidy ‘I stay home’

What are the payment methods for the universal family bond?

Due to the large number of beneficiaries of this subsidy, the Between has arranged more than one modality to access the withdrawal of 760 soles del bono:

Deposit in account: the amount of Universal Family Bonus will be credited directly to the account that the user has in the National bank, Interbank, BBVA, Scotiabank, CrediScotia The Bank of Commerce. The 760 soles can be withdrawn at ATMs or agents of any of these financial entities.

Mobile banking: In order to collect the subsidy money through this modality, the beneficiary must join the Banco de la Nación’s mobile banking and generate a password that will allow him to withdraw the 760 soles at any Multired ATM or BN agent.

Paying carts: For beneficiaries living in rural areas, the money will be transported to the vicinity of their place of residence using the vehicles of the securities transport companies (ETV).

Banco de la Nación is one of the financial entities where the Universal Family Bond can be collected. (Photo: Diffusion)

Where to collect the universal family bond of 760 soles?

The financial institutions in which the Universal Family Bonus are the Banco de la Nación, Interbank, BBVA, Scotiabank, CrediScotia and Banco de Comercio.

The beneficiaries residing in rural areas will be able to collect the voucher in the paying carts, which will take the money to the places near their homes to avoid that these people have to make large trips.

YOU CAN SEE: Rural Bonus 760 soles [LINK]: CHECK HERE where and how to collect this incentive granted by the Midis

How do I know if I am a beneficiary of the universal family bond of 760 soles?

If you want to ask about the Universal Family Bonus, the user can access the portal I stay at home, which enabled the Between To the general public. On this platform there are direct links to the official pages of each of the subsidies.

What should I do if I do not receive the confirmation message from the National Registry of Homes?

Those beneficiaries who have been able to successfully enroll in the National Registry of Homes They can check since the last June 8 what is the corresponding modality to access the collection of the Universal Family Bonus on the official page of the grant: https://bonouniversalfamiliar.pe/

What happened to the second subsidy of the universal family bond of 760 soles?

The delivery of the Universal Family Bonus entered a second stage from June 8. This means that, from this date, those who managed to register within the deadline can begin to collect the 760 soles that the Between.

However, according to the executive director of the Pensión 65 program and in charge of the operation of payments of the Midis bonds, Richar Ruiz, the second list of beneficiaries was to be launched on the last June 24.

Bonds delivered by the Government of Peru

The Peruvian Government announced three other bonds, apart from the Universal Family Bonus, for different sectors of the population at the national level during the state of emergency faced by the country due to the coronavirus.

Bonus 380 ‘I stay at home’: yomequedoencasa.pe.

Independent Bonus: bonoindependiente.pe.

Rural Bonus: bonorural.pe.


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