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Plantar Fasciitis: Why Resting Your Feet Isn’t Enough for Recovery

Plantar fasciitis, a common cause of heel pain, can cripple any marathon runner. Tiger wood.

It’s one of the most common soft tissue injuries, but the condition isn’t plantar fasciitis (“inflammation” as the name implies), which is a tendon located under the skin on the bottom of each foot. , experts say. This is a mechanical failure that requires physical intervention. stretch It strengthens the ligaments and muscles of the foot.

If you have plantar fasciitis, don’t just rest your feet. Stretch it, stretch your arch, put on a pair of shoes, and gradually get back to walking, researchers say.

Common treatments for plantar fasciitis treat the inflammation, often with ice or immobilization of the foot. He says prolonged rest—the first step in the “Rice” treatment plan, rest, ice, compression, and elevation—can lead to a longer plantar fascia recovery period. See KeithProfessor of Molecular Exercise Physiology at the University of California, Davis.

“Inactivity and immobility actually increase injury,” Barr said.

To speed healing, say Barr and other experts, you should stretch the legs, physically stretch the tendons, and put pressure on the plantar fascia to promote healing.

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