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Plans to Merge Angkasa Pura I and II for Air Service Integration


Deputy Minister of BUMN Kartika Wirjoatmodjo revealed plans to merge PT Angkasa Pura I (AP I) and PT Angkasa Pura II (AP II). Later, a company will be formed as a holding company to oversee the two companies.

This merger is an effort to integrate air services.

“So it’s like this, if we are going to combine AP I and II, we will create a PT on top of it. Because we see that the integration of these air services must be unified. Because yesterday we planned separately for west and east,” said a familiar man. called Tiko in Sarinah, Jakarta, Tuesday (3/10/2023).

“So, we want to have a strategic holding company on top that combines it. So that later we will have an interaction process to build a complete air transportation ecosystem,” he added.

The formation of a holding company is targeted this year. Apart from that, his party is also reviewing the separation of Soekarno-Hatta Airport and Ngurah Rai Airport.

“This year, the holding is complete. But after that we will see whether we will spin-off several large BUBUs (airport business entities). For example, like Jakarta and Bali, maybe we will spin-off into an opco (operating company) separately with its own BUBU,” he explained.

He said the separation was carried out so that large airports would be more agile in development and attract investment.

“Because we are looking to be agile in investing and developing, Jakarta-Bali must be separate, because if they are combined as a whole, their fundraising capacity will be lacking,” he explained.


2023-10-03 10:56:46
#Revealed #plan #merger

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