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Plans for partial lockdown against Corona in November

Dhe federal government wants to contain the coronavirus pandemic in Germany with drastic contact restrictions. The population should be called upon to “reduce contact with other people to an absolutely necessary minimum”. Members of your own household are excluded. This results from a draft of the federal government’s draft resolution for the video conference between Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and the Prime Minister this Wednesday. The FAZ has received the draft. Accordingly, the measures should come into force across Germany from November 4th and apply until the end of November. The German press agency claims to have learned on Wednesday afternoon from the ongoing video discussions between Merkel and the Prime Minister that the measures deviating from the proposal should come into force on November 2nd. In any case, decisions will not be announced until Wednesday.

The aim of the federal and state governments is to “quickly interrupt the infection dynamics so that no far-reaching restrictions are necessary during the Christmas season”, according to the written submission. “Families and friends should be able to meet during the Christmas season even under Corona conditions. Now, as in the spring, a joint effort is needed again. “

Gastronomy and meeting with others

Among other things, catering establishments such as bars, clubs, discos, pubs and similar facilities are to be closed – with the exception of the delivery and collection of food for consumption at home, as was the case during the first coronavirus wave in spring.

In Germany, only members of your own household and of another household should be allowed to stay in public together. This is binding, violations of these contact restrictions would be sanctioned by the regulatory authorities, according to the draft of the federal resolution.

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