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Planning: Avenches says yes to Nespresso with lip service – Vaud & Regions News: Nord vaudois-Broye

“The building that was planned at the time to house eight production lines is the Romont factory.” Joining the arguments of his party colleague Fabien Aeby, the socialist communal councilor Yan Vollenweider prompted the Legislative Avenchois to refuse the Les Tourbières allocation plan on Thursday. Governing the site where the world giant Nespresso coffee is located, the document notably allows a maximum density of 8m3 per square meter on the ground, against 5m3 currently. It was finally validated with lip service by 18 yes against 15 no and 7 abstentions out of 48 councilors present.

Last December, Fabien Aeby had obtained the postponement of the vote on the file by arguing about the visual impact of the factory on the Roman city. “Nespresso says it has no plans to expand here. In my opinion, it would take a real project to decide. Article 28 of the law on town and country planning and constructions is now called “land use plan equivalent to a building permit or prior establishment permit”. Clearly, it allows to combine a land use plan with the building permit, “he said on Thursday, urging his colleagues to wait for a real construction project.

“Nespresso has damaged the silhouette of Avenches”

Contacted Friday, Cláudia Afonso, head of press relations for Nespresso, confirms that no expansion is currently planned at Avenches. The allocation plan voted on Thursday had been initiated in 2012 to anticipate possible development. “This is part of the long-term approach we are taking to the development of our sites in the event of a possible need for expansion,” added the official, without commenting on the decision taken by the Legislative.

The arguments of the left have hit home even with the right. “It must be recognized that Nespresso damaged the silhouette of Avenches. At the same time, owners of the villages are prevented from imagining construction projects because of the revision of the general plan of communal allocation. Suddenly, I find that this notice is a form of unequal treatment, “said the PLR ​​Jean-Christophe Delafontaine.

In charge of Town Planning, the municipal Eric Schürch then recalled that the general allocation plan rather concerns the development of the population, whereas here it is an industrial project. He also noted that Avenches had launched the study of the land use plan more than five years ago. “I doubt that a company will wait that long for a development project,” he concluded before gathering a small majority.

Created: 02.15.2020, 10h59

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