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Planetary Positions and Weekly Rashi Predictions for Astral Navigation

Aditya travels in Capricorn sign Thiruvonam Nhatuvela. Moon is in Krishna Paksha. It travels through nakshatras from Makam to Visakha.

Saturn in Aquarius continues the journey on the cheat day. In Apasavya Gati, Rahu transits in Pisces sign on Revathi day and Ketu in Virgo sign on Chitira day.

Saturday is the last day when Jupiter continues to move in Ashwati Nakshatra in Aries. From February 4, Jupiter will enter Bharani day and continue the journey.

Mercury is moving through Sagittarius and Capricorn this week. Venus and Mars are in Sagittarius.

Let’s see which Rashi / Koor for this week’s Ashtamarashi Kour. Sunday and Monday will be full days for Capricorns and Tuesday/Wednesday, Thursday afternoon for Aquarius and the following days for Pisces will be Ashtamarashi.

In the context of this planetary position, the complete star results of those born in the nine days from Ashwati to Ayilyam are analyzed here.


The first two days of the week may be inactive or inauspicious. Don’t expect anything big. Change can be evident from Mars. Obstacles will be removed. Punctuality will be enhanced with the cooperation of colleagues. You can feel the domestic atmosphere. There will be indulgent experiences. The heart bond is strengthened. Profit may increase in business. Mental satisfaction will arise.


Endurance can be tested. There may be difficulty in concentrating the mind. Some needs are deferred. Self-asking questions may not be answered. Gradually things that bring happiness to the mind will come. The recession is over and the economic situation is improving. Household needs will be done nicely. You will have the courage to ignore those who oppose you and move forward. Lovers may get blessings of elders.


Comments are not necessarily accepted, both at home and abroad. Waste of energy and time can be frustrating. The vehicle can be repaired. The cost will increase. You may have to take a hand loan from friends. Special attention is needed in the case of students. Severe cases like food poisoning may occur. There may be better experiences during the weekend.


It is a mixed economic time. If the negative position of the planets continues, there may be trouble in business and poor physical health. There will be laxity in the implementation of decisions. Students will feel less motivated to study. May get involved in unnecessary disputes. There may be domestic comfort during weekends. Gain energy. The administration will be free.


Officers are under pressure. There will be the task of solving difficult problems. Cooperation of colleagues may be partial. Business expansion may be announced. There may be small gains in speculation. Due to the expected income from the business, the repayment of the loan will be easier. Despite reasonable demands. The family participates in auspicious activities.


The beginning of the week will be energetic. Expect positive experiences. Even with more effort, missions can be made beautiful. Economic depression is easing. Normal activities are not interrupted. Succeeding in trying to turn marital strife into harmony. In the matter of children’s education, Ukanda has the right to a little. There is more time loss during travel. The cell condition will be fertile.


There will be indolence in work. The loopholes are fixed and progress is made. There will be mental maturity to evaluate oneself. Promises are fulfilled. Some repairs may be needed at home. Financial pressure will be felt but will be overcome by frugality. Free speech in consultations. But criticism will be faced. There will be mixed results in the family.


Some alliances will decide it’s time to let go. But there may not be a sincere effort to do so. Will struggle to get rid of laziness. Old memories give strength to the mind. Attempts to change careers may be hindered. Spouse’s money is adequate. Having to accept the support of those who do not like it mentally. The situation may be favorable for those living abroad to return to their native land.


Worrying symptoms will change. There will be physical well-being and mental contentment. Literature can be resumed. The positions taken in the discussions may be noteworthy. Able to neutralize opponents. Business trips are a possibility. Beneficial but can be annoying. If the sign lord Moon enters Ketu yoga, some people who are not interested may influence. Income will be as expected.

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