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Planet records two days with less than 24 hours in 2022. Earth spins faster and faster – Observer

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On June 29 this year, planet Earth recorded an unusual record, by noting its shortest day since 1960, when scientists began measuring the length of the day. On that date, the planet took 1.59 milliseconds less to complete one revolution on its axis.

As we know, a revolution around the Earth’s axis is completed every 24 hours. However, in recent years, the trend has reversed and there are rotations lasting less than one day (or 8,640,000 milliseconds). In 2020, the Earth recorded 28 of the shortest days in 50 years.

That year, July 19th was minus 1.47 milliseconds, and the record was almost broken on July 26th, when there were minus 1.5 milliseconds. In 2021, the “phenomenon” calmed down, although it reached minus 1.46 milliseconds on July 9.

In 2022, the record was reached again and, until this Wednesday, dtwo days of less than 24 hours in duration. The 29th of June entered the “top” of the records, while the 26th of July had a “theft” lasting less than 1.50 milliseconds.


according to Space.com, a team of researchers believes that this shortening of days may be related to a small irregular movement in the Earth’s geographic poles and its axis of rotation. Due to this irregularity, the axis ends up shifting in a phenomenon called “Chandler Oscillation”.

The normal amplitude of the Chandler Oscillation is about three to four meters on the Earth’s surface, but between 2017 and 2020 it disappeared,” Leonid Zotov told the BBC. Time and Date.

If the rotation speed continues to increase, you may need to create an extra second, in order to synchronize atomic clocks with solar time. This measure may create problems in some computer systems.

I think there’s a 70 percent chance that we’re at the minimum and don’t need a negative leap second,” says Zotov, believing the day length may not shorten much further.

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