DIFFERENT Outer space mysteries are always fun. Planets in space present surprises that bring up many theories. Recently, experts have published findings called planet hell.
Experts believe that this planet is an ocean of heated lava. The planet, called 55 Cancri and aka Janssen, is so close to the star that it only has an 18-hour orbit per year for Earth. According to scientists, the temperature on the planet’s surface reaches 2573 Kelvin or about 2300 degrees Celsius.
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Place The mirror taking an analysis of this planet published in the journal Nature Astronomy reveals that the hellish planet orbits a star called Copernicus or 55 Cnc. The hellish planet has an orbital distance from the star that is 70 times closer than the Earth orbits the Sun.
Astrophysicist Lili Zhao who leads the research said looking at the planet’s orbit, the planet is very hot and it is believed that there is no life inside.
Live science writes that scientists study how the planet rotates all the time. Then the difference with our solar system which has the same orbit.
Janssen was later found to have only an 18-hour orbit around its massive star. The distance to the star is only about 2 million kilometers, while the distance between the Earth and the Sun is about 147 million kilometers.
Zhao said Motherboard that research like this could help identify planets that could be inhabited by humans in the future. Understanding how planets evolve and move allows scientists to learn about planets like Earth.
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He said that a habitable planet has the basic characteristics of life, namely water. It is the ultimate basis for a single planet to create life.
It is important to understand that planets move in their systems with different types and numbers of stars. Then he stated that he must analyze and research planets that have life and will continue to support life in the future.
The team of scientists who led the research have an instrument called EXtreme PREcision Spectrometer (EXRES) on the Lowell Discovery Telescope in Arizona that helps see how exoplanets move from their original location and change according to existing rules.
This scientist gives an analysis of the hellish planet, according to which the core of the planet is made of diamonds. Zhao suggests his theory is that diamonds are the only plausible explanation given the size and weight of the planet. But Zhao could not confirm the truth of his theory. According to him, its small composition and low weight make the planet 55 Cancri and difficult to measure. Using EXPRES it is possible to overcome this problem and provide a good understanding for planetary research. (cpsr)
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