storm?íctor: an initiative seeksstop business thievesin yonkers. damaris íaz usaccount about this plan and spokecity police.damaris: victor, tired of theimpunity with whichthieves enter stores likethis and they leave loaded withmerchandise without paying a singlecent, the authorities inYonkers announce plan toput an end to the thefts in theseworkers and consumers.according to the authorities, theshoplifting incidentsthe police department ofyonkers holds thereform that in 2019 eliminated theof bail to people whothey committed minor crimes.include thefts, such as these, inYonkers stores.the officers say thatthis is the reason whythieves do not we can clearly seeow thieves get out of thestoresregardless of thesecurity cameras or thewe talked to the officiallorrain from the department ofyonkers police on theplan to prevent theft>> you have to have patrolsaimed at storeswe also have the apartmentPatón crime unit.and they are like civilians.They don’t recognize each other if they are copsor not, but they are watchingrobberies.damaris: at 11:00 a.m.tonight we have the interviewcomplete. Also, advice frompolice department forprotect them in stores, inif we witness
Plan to Combat Yonkers Shoplifting Announced | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV
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