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“Place de l’Europe” changes its name

The Municipal Council of the commune of Gorée has decided to change the name of Place de l’Europe, to Place de Liberté et de la Dignité Humaine. A decision taken during this Saturday’s meeting of the Municipal Council of the island of Gorée on the sidelines of the wave of racial violence of which the black and Afro-descending community is regularly victim (the last of which cost the life of George Floyd, African-American executed coldly by asphyxiation, in the street and without resistance by a white police officer), explains the council. “The memory island community wants to be at the forefront of the fight for the total and final eradication of all forms of racism, particularly those directed against Black people in accordance with its vocation as a place of proactive memory , resilient and restorative of human dignity through the values ​​of universal freedom and tolerance in a world reconciled with itself ”, informs the same source.

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