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PKS Asks Ade Armando cs to Introspect After Twitter Account is Suspended


The chairman of the PKS DPP, Mardani Ali Sera, gave a message to Mr Ade Armando cs whose twitter account issuspend. According to Mardani, Ade Armando sc should be able to introspect himself.

“First, everyone must follow the rules. Either the opposition or the coalition. The rules are clear, don’t spread it hoax and destructive content. Second, just enjoy it. Suspend it means we need to introspect,” said Mardani when contacted, Sunday (8/8/2021).

Mardani mentioned several times that he and his friends got suspend and its kind. The incident was a lesson for Mardani.

“We have also been hit and repaired several times, and then we go again. Third, this is a lesson so that our public space is filled with the best healthy ideas,” he said.

In Indonesia, there have been several times when figures have had problems with their social media accounts. According to Mardani, this is natural for Indonesia.

“Naturally, we are still learning democracy. As long as we want to improve ourselves,” he said.

Ade Armando cs twitter account suspended

Social media activist Twitter account Ade Armando got suspended. However, Ade Armando does not consider it a silence for expression.

“My Twitter account has been suspended. Do I have to make a drama that there is silence on expression? That there is suppression of democracy? No, it’s not. Yes, I like Twitter,” said Ade Armando, who is also a lecturer at the University of Indonesia, Sunday (8/8). /8/2021).

Ade Armando suspects this is a troop operation cyber. Ade Armando admitted that he did not know which content caused his Twitter account to be reported.

“Looks like there’s a team cyber that many people are reporting my account so that it seems like I am spreading the Twitter rules, “Ade Armando told reporters, Sunday (8/8/2021).

“It’s not clear which content,” he said.

In addition to his Twitter account, Ade Armando said the attack was aimed at Denny Siregar to Eko Kuntadhi. According to him, this attack was the work of a group.

“The accounts that were attacked were also the accounts of Denny Siregar, Eko Kuntadhi, Ferdinand Hutahean, and so on. So it’s definitely not an individual work,” said Ade Armando.

See also the video ‘Ade Armando Calls Abu Janda’s Tweet Wrong, For Not Rereading’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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