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PizzAut, hater attacking the pizzeria run by autistic kids

“I will never come to you also because autistic people should not put their hands in the kitchen in the dishes in preparation”: is the attack aimed at PizzAut – the first Italian pizzeria run by autistic people, which opened its doors on May 1st in Cassina de ‘Pecchi (in the Milanese hinterland) – on Facebook by a woman according to whom the success of the restaurant is due to the fact that “there are few graduates in genetic medicine, otherwise they would all be afraid to eat food prepared by autistic people”.

Delusional utterances to which the president and founder of PizzAut Nico Acampora – defined as “a greaser who is only hurting others by greasing the gene” – decided to dedicate a post: “I published the screenshots of the messages, which were then deleted by the author , deleting the surname of the lady in question because I am not interested in attacking her, but reflecting on her utterances – he comments – The PizzAut project was born precisely to fight the virus of ignorance, which is evidently still very widespread. I was labeled as ‘greaser’ because I gave autistic kids the chance to work. We are in sheer madness. “

The best answer came from the hundreds of people who know the reality of PizzAut and have tasted the pizzas prepared by its pizza chefs, in the last few weeks in a pizzeria or in the previous months during the itinerant evenings organized in restaurants all over Italy and on food trucks. “I asked everyone to refrain from insults because lowering the discussion to that level would mean proving to be the same as the lady who wrote those things – continues Acampora – And the friends and supporters of PizzAut have given us great satisfaction in this sense, demonstrating with the their testimonies the goodness and value of our initiative “.


There are those who wrote that “the only virus from which you risk being infected by attending PizzAut is that of love” and those who rejoice at the fact that the haters refuse to enter the Cassina de ‘Pecchi restaurant because “so there is more room for us who adore you “. Others wonder if “the gene of the lady’s morality is transmissible” and urge Acampora to “go forward with even more force. The project is splendid and must absolutely be replicated so that these realities become normality in a country that we want to define civil” . After all, in recent weeks many mayors – starting with Beppe Sala – have been guests of PizzAut and have expressed the desire to import the formula in their respective municipalities: “We don’t just cook. Ours is a work of raising awareness – concludes Nico Acampora – Ignorance must be fought and we have decided to do it with pizza “.

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