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Piura: Migraciones emiti nueve rdenes de expulsin a extranjeros que permanecan irregularmente en el pas

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Exploring Security and Migration in Piura

Recently, the National Police of Peru (PNP) in Piura issued nine ⁤expulsion orders to⁤ foreign nationals ‍who were staying in the region irregularly. This action was taken to ensure security and⁤ order in the area, in collaboration with other government ‌agencies such as the ⁢Public Ministry and the​ Superintendence of Land Transport of Persons, Cargo, and⁣ Merchandise (Sutran).

The operation took place at the ​former Bayvar toll booth and various nightclubs in the​ city. The PNP ⁤units involved‌ in the operation were the Security of the State Piura‌ Unit and the Piura⁤ Highway PNP Unit. This joint effort reflects the commitment of the authorities to maintain⁤ migratory security and intervene in areas with⁣ high crime rates.

It is worth noting​ that, in 2024, the Piura Zonal Headquarters has ‌issued over 49 expulsion orders to ‍foreign citizens for entering the‌ country⁢ irregularly or violating Legislative Decree No. 1350 ‍- Migration Law​ and its ⁤Regulations.

Migrations ​reaffirms its dedication to working​ together with the National⁣ Police of Peru, the Public ‌Ministry, and other ⁤public​ institutions to enhance migratory security and continue interventions in high-crime areas.

Proposing Innovative Solutions

As ⁤we address ⁢the issue⁤ of irregular ‌migration and security​ in Piura, it is essential to consider innovative solutions to prevent such incidents in the future. One approach could ⁤be to⁢ enhance border control measures⁤ and increase‌ surveillance in vulnerable areas to detect and deter ⁤irregular entries.

Furthermore, promoting awareness ‍campaigns on migration laws and regulations‌ among both the local population ​and ‍foreign visitors can help prevent misunderstandings and ​violations. Education and information are key​ to fostering ⁢compliance and cooperation in migration matters.

Collaboration between government agencies, civil society organizations, ‍and ​international partners is ⁢crucial⁢ in addressing the ⁤root causes of irregular migration and ensuring the⁣ safety and well-being ⁣of all individuals in the​ region.

By implementing proactive measures ⁢and‍ fostering a culture of respect for‍ migration laws, we can ⁤create a‌ more secure and inclusive‍ environment for‌ everyone in Piura.

Nueve‍ extranjeros expulsados de manera excepcional en ​Piura

La Superintendencia Nacional de Migraciones ha tomado​ la decisión ⁤de expulsar a nueve extranjeros que ‌se encontraban de ​manera irregular en el ⁤país,⁣ a través del Procedimiento ⁤Administrativo ‍Sancionador Especial Excepcional​ (PASEE).

Estas medidas se llevaron a ​cabo luego de dos operativos simultáneos en‍ la ‌Provincia de Piura, donde se ⁤aplicó⁢ el PASEE que impide a los expulsados regresar al territorio nacional por⁢ un período de hasta quince años.

La⁢ Policía Nacional del​ Perú ejecutó la expulsión de estos extranjeros, en colaboración ⁢con el Ministerio Público y‍ la Superintendencia de Transporte Terrestre de Personas, Carga y Mercancías ⁤(Sutran), así como ​otras unidades de seguridad del Estado en Piura.

En lo que​ va del año 2024, la Jefatura⁤ Zonal‍ Piura ​ha emitido más de 49​ órdenes de‍ expulsión a ciudadanos‍ extranjeros por ingresar de forma irregular al ‌país ​o​ por violar el Decreto Legislativo N° 1350 – Ley de Migraciones y su Reglamento.

Migraciones reafirma su compromiso de trabajar en conjunto con diversas instituciones públicas para garantizar la seguridad ​migratoria​ y seguir interviniendo en zonas con altos índices⁢ delictivos.

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