Home » today » World » Pittsburgh Dog Eats $4,000: Owners Recover Cash from Vomit Mosaic

Pittsburgh Dog Eats $4,000: Owners Recover Cash from Vomit Mosaic

The dog’s owners, Clayton and Carrie Lowe, managed to recover most of the money after the incident, but they had to search Cecil’s vomit for feces.

Cecil’s veterinarian has informed the couple that everything is fine with the dog’s health.

In early December, Clayton Lowe left an envelope with $4,000 in cash on the kitchen counter at his home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to pay a laborer to install a fence.

About 30 minutes later, he found his dog in the kitchen, enjoying the most expensive “meal” of his life and leaving wads of cash behind.

“Suddenly Clayton shouted – Cecil eats 4000 dollars. I think I overheard, I almost had a heart attack,” says the dog’s owner, Carrie.

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The dog’s owners describe him as “very special.” “You can leave a steak on the table, he won’t eat it because he’s not interested. Obviously, he’s interested in the money,” says Carrie.

After the incident, the dog’s owners immediately called Cecil’s veterinarian to find out if he needed medical attention. Since Cecil is a larger dog, the doctor recommended monitoring the dog’s health at home.

The couple then began the laborious process of collecting the “money mosaic” and glued together piece by piece the $50 and $100 bills – most of which they managed to exchange for new bills at the bank.

The bank took most of the banknotes, the couple has not managed to get back only 450 dollars or about 410 euros. The bank told them that such incidents are quite common. “The remaining pieces will now be our most expensive piece of art,” says the couple.

2024-01-05 07:34:19
#dog #boy #USA #tasted #expensive #meal #life #dollars #cash

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