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“Pita” led the team to submit a set of five laws so as not to be used as a political tool.

“Pitha” led the team to submit a set of five laws to reiterate so as not to be used as a political tool. Insist on the maintenance of the monarchy

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On February 10 at the National Assembly, Mr. Pitha Limcharoenrat Party Leader Along with Mr. Chaitawat Tulthan, Party Secretary, led the team of MPs of the Kao Klai Party. Press conference to the media in case of the Kao Klai Party submits a draft amendment Act on the protection of freedom of expression and rights in the judicial process of the people (5 copies)

Mr. Pitha said that as the leader of the party, He would like to announce the presentation of five draft laws protecting freedom of expression and the rights in the judicial process of the Kao Klai Party. We have been discussing within the party, discussing it and having a team working on this draft law over the past several months. By the Kao Mai Party Has a clear standpoint and ideology to uphold the principle of government in a democratic system with the King as the Head of State. Which is the most important principle in a democracy with the King as the Head of State Is to make the institution holy. Free from public criticism, gossip and criticism, the only way we can do so. Is to pull the institution out of politics

“We all have a duty to help prevent any one person. Or any group of people They snatch opportunities, snuggle up, or claim their allegiance to the monarchy in order to attack one another. Especially with the use of law as a means of prosecution, bullying to silence. And for the destruction of the opponent Which are dirty and outdated values Inconsistent with universal values ​​in democracy That have to uphold the rule of law, rule of law and strengthen the participation of the people Encourage the people to have the freedom to express their ideas and opinions. To check the balance of the state power of the government Which the government is just a representative of the people The most powerful, ”said Pitha.

Mr. Pitha continued that in addition to the problem with Article 112 in the past several years. We still have other legal application issues. To be a political tool Blocking freedom of expression Political participation In this occasion, the Kao Klai Party has proposed five draft legislation to protect the freedom of expression and the rights in the judicial process of the people, including (1) the amendment of the Criminal Code Act. To correct all offenses of defamation Both defamation to the general public Disparaging officials Disrespect the court. Including an offense of defamation, defamation, malice against the King. (2) Draft Act on Computer Crimes To correct it in accordance with the intention of condemning the crime on the computer system. It is not used to block online freedom of expression. (3) Draft of the Criminal Procedure Code Amendment and (4) Draft of the Criminal Procedure Code amending the Code of Civil Procedure. Both of these are the building mechanisms to protect people from prosecution of silence. By government or private agencies In the event that people exercise their freedom to participate in public issues Or inspect public and private operations Which abroad is known as anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) laws. (5) Draft Act amending another criminal code. So that people can condone justice in the process of misrepresenting the law against the people

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