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Pirate exit from Istanbul – News

The government is implementing additional measures to control transitions from three major cities, especially Istanbul, to Anatolia. Especially upon the demands of leaving the city intensely from Istanbul, it is obligatory to travel, while measures are also taken against those who depart from pirate taxis. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has decided not to allow those who do not have first-degree relatives to leave the city, even if they are spouses, friends or relatives. The issue was raised at the meeting of the Council of Ministers of the previous day. According to the information obtained, the mobility initiated by citizens in three big cities, especially in Istanbul, to go to their country has come to the agenda. It was stated that this accelerated the spread of the virus to Anatolian provinces, while additional measures were required.


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It was determined that especially those who do not have private vehicles in Istanbul, try to go to their country by making a deal with pirate taxis, and other than that, their spouses, friends and relatives use their vehicles for this purpose. In order to slow down this mobility, it was decided not to allow those who do not have their own private vehicle and who do not have first-degree relatives in the vehicle to leave the city.


Travel supervision with those who do not have their own intermediary and first-degree relatives will be inspected not only at the exits of big cities but also at the entrances of 81 provinces. Those who use the travel permit for no purpose will be punished. Government sources said, “Even if those in the vehicle say ‘My relative or friend’, they will treat them as pirate taxis and punish them. Only vehicles of first degree relatives will be allowed to pass. Especially in Istanbul, there are problems. They will be largely blocked, ”they said.


The same sources have stated that Turkey was coming from Istanbul across the majority of cases the virus. It was decided to follow up those who came from small cities to small settlements by the muhtars, district governors and governors to follow up more tightly and apply isolation.


In the studies carried out, it was considered to stop all the exits in the city, especially in Istanbul. It was stated that there will be difficulties in the implementation of private vehicles, especially for those who go to work with their own vehicles to nearby cities. The banning of private cars to traffic in big cities, especially in Istanbul, has been delayed for now.


Due to the crop period, the producers over 65 are included in the flexibility provided in agriculture. Governors were instructed to approach the producers working over the field for planting in the field, over 65 years, to approach flexibly.


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In the evaluations made in the government, it was emphasized that the epidemic will be on the rise until April 15, therefore the measures taken will continue to increase.

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