Home » today » Technology » Piotr Bicki, a longtime journalist at Eurogamer.pl, has passed away

Piotr Bicki, a longtime journalist at Eurogamer.pl, has passed away

We regret to inform you that today, at the age of 32, our editorial friend and one of the most distinguished Eurogamer journalists, Piotr Bicki, died. We would like to express our deepest sympathy to the closest family of Piotr and all his friends and acquaintances.

Piotrek joined Eurogamer in 2016, focusing mainly on the news department. At the beginning, he supported the team as a freelancer, but quickly became a regular collaborator and eventually became a permanent partner – already as a newsroom editor.

From birth, Piotrek suffered from an extremely rare disease, was a person with disabilities and used a wheelchair. Despite these difficulties, he was a titan of work. He hated being late, he hated having to leave his friends “alone” for a day or two, because, for example, he had caught a cold or simply felt worse. It’s a truism at the time, but Piotrek was just a good man. One who simply cares about the common good – far more than his own profits. You could always count on him and he never let anyone down.

At the same time, he was an outstanding professional and did not agree to mediocrity. He prepared information with full respect for the journalistic craft. Despite the fact that he wrote about video games, and therefore about pop culture, he always took his work very seriously and “equaled the top”. He never gave up. He was critical of himself, but also of colleagues who wanted to take shortcuts, for example by not verifying all the facts. He was painfully reliable himself, checked everything repeatedly, and rarely made mistakes (and when he did, he was stricter with himself than with others). In a word: he was a really great specialist, one of the best journalists I have worked with, and – to put it bluntly – in recent years one of the best authors writing information about video games in Poland. As if that was not enough, he was active in the Association of People with Congenital Fragility, he prepared articles and participated in debates on local television.

He was extremely intelligent and knowledgeable about games, but most of all he loved games. In a job like ours, everything starts with a passion for games and it was no different in the case of Piotrek. But he also knew more than us about Star Wars and the superheroes in movies and popular series – that was his second passion, and as soon as he was given the green light, he eagerly began to prepare information in this field as well. He was also strongly aware of and had clear views on political or international events. We had many discussions in the editorial group on all these topics, and Piotrek always surprised with a punch line or a witty commentary.

Eurogamer.pl was successful, among others, thanks to Piotr. What we are and what identity we have as an editorial office is also his merit and legacy. It is hard to believe that we will not meet and see Piotrek at the editorial board (he always had problems with the microphone!), We will not celebrate the viewership results together (his news often gave the best viewership!), As well as laugh and plan new texts (he also wrote reviews and was an excellent columnist!). We can’t believe he left so suddenly. Although the disease was with him from birth and he dealt with it as best he could, we know that few of us would be able to deal with it as well as he can.

Goodbye, Peter. Thank you for everything. We will miss you. In our hearts and memories you stay with us forever.

Zbigniew Jankowski, Editor-in-Chief together with the editorial staff of Eurogamer.pl

PS. All Piotr’s texts are available on Eurogamer.pl at this link. Photographs published with the consent of the Family.

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