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“Pío is an honest person and an exemplary citizen”

He President Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured, does 11 years, that your brother Pío López Obrador it was one honest person, a model citizen, and a social leader committed to the noblest causes of the Mexican population.

Within the framework of 2009 federal election, where Pío López Obrador sought to reach a federal deputation for Chiapas under the acronym of the PRD, PT and Convergencia, his older brother, the current president of the Republic, recorded a couple of promotional videos where he assured the Chiapas population that Pío would represent them with much dignity in San Lázaro.

“I invite you to vote for Pío López Obrador as a candidate for federal deputy, not only because he is my brother, but because he is an exemplary citizen, honest people. He is a social leader committed to the noblest causes of our people.

“He will represent you as you deserve, with great dignity in the Chamber of Deputies, vote for him,” he said.

Read more: Videos of Pío López Obrador receiving money emerge

In another video, uploaded to Pío López Obrador’s You Tube account, he asked for the vote of the Chiapas population and claimed to be committed to the public life of the country and his proposals were supported by the movement in defense of the popular economy, the oil and the sovereignty that his older brother headed at that time.

“I ask you with all my heart for your support so that together we may seek collective solutions to the great and serious problems that the vast majority of Mexicans are suffering. Let’s save Mexico! “


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