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“Pinocchio, confess! “: The day Carla Bruni confronted her mother

After years of silence around her birth, Carla Bruni ended up putting her mother up against the wall, forcing her to confess a family secret. In the columns of the magazine Égoïste, the former First Lady delivered her painful past.

Free and loved. This is how Carla Bruni grew up. In a family where the patriarch traveled regularly to take care of his career, and in which his mother led her life as she saw fit. Despite this absence that the former First Lady points out in the columns of the magazine Self-centered, Carla Bruni had a happy childhood : “This absence combined with a very great affection made us free from them and helped us to build ourselves”, she confided. At least, Nicolas Sarkozy’s wife seemed happy until a terrible family secret burst into broad daylight as reported PurePeople this Tuesday, September 28.

In 1996, Alberto Bruni Tedeschi, the father figure of the family, lost his vitality. A few days before his death, he confesses to Carla Bruni’s sister, Valeria, not be the biological father of the singer. The heavy secret is not revealed to him, but as reported Pure People, Carla Bruni express some doubts. She then thinks of a former lover of her mother, a “Great Italian pianist”, responding to the name of Benedetto Michelangelo. Because of her ill-being, the wife of the former President at the time had to go on numerous occasions at a psychologist.

Little by little, Carla Bruni’s doubts evaporate and leave room for certainty. She then decides to confront her mother: “Pinocchio, confess!”, she throws at him. At the foot of the wall, Marisa Borini explains everything to her 28-year-old daughter. His biological father, Maurizio Remmert, was a neighbor of his mother’s parents. By these same confessions, the singer understands that she has a half-sister, whom she will meet years later when she occupies a position with Nicolas Sarkozy. But her biological father would have it closely followed, and this for many years. He allegedly even kept many photos of his daughter in some sort of“altar”.

“I realized that I had been lied to”

Despite this late revelation of her identity, Carla Bruni has never seemed to harbor a grudge against his mother. In 2017, in the columns of the magazine She, the singer was however direct: “Of course I realized that I had been lied to, but it’s one thing I’ve always known: people lie. It doesn’t shock me, lying allows you to protect yourself and others ”, she had confided. Since then, Carla Bruni has had the opportunity to bond with her father. And the singer has certainly told this story to her daughter, Giulia before.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

Photo credits: Dominique Jacovides / Bestimage

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