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Pink calls coronavirus “the scariest she’s ever seen” NOW

Pink, who recently recovered from COVID-19 like her son Jameson, calls the disease “the scariest she’s ever experienced.” In conversation with Ellen DeGeneres, the forty-year-old singer tells that she could no longer breathe.

Pink says that her three-year-old son fell ill in mid-March. That was around the time measures were taken in the United States to contain the coronavirus outbreak.

“Around March 18, 19, 20, his fever only got worse,” said the singer. “And then I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t breathe.”

With the help of a nebulizer, an electrical device with which medicines can be inhaled, breathing improved again. “I just couldn’t function without it,” she recalls. “Then I started to get really scared.”

When her son got chest pain, the American feared they would have to go to the hospital. “It’s the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced in my life.”

Singer donated $ 1 million

The artist and her son recovered and after a new test, it was found that they had been cured.

The singer decided to donate $ 0.5 million (more than 460,000 euros) to the Temple University Hospital Emergency Fund in Philadelphia, in tribute to her mother who worked there in the healthcare sector. In addition, she is donating $ 0.5 million to the Emergency COVID-19 Crisis Fund of the Mayor of Los Angeles.

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