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Piñera will begin a tour of Europe on September 3 and later will attend the UN summit in New York

Now is the charm, according to La Moneda. The President Sebastián Piñera seeks to definitively resume its international agenda and will carry out a tour of Europe and the United States during the month of September.

The first approach to resume his international agenda was made a couple of weeks ago, when he traveled to the change of command in Peru. There he managed to have some meetings and now he aspires to do the same for Europe.

This, after the failed trip that he was going to make last June to the “old continent” and that it had to suspend after a series of criticisms as a result of the rise in Covid-19 cases that the country was facing. Now, The President plans to visit Italy, France, Spain and England between September 3 and 12. Of course, according to the same sources, the Head of State visiting Geneva would no longer be on his agenda, and the idea of ​​a meeting with the former president and United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, it stayed on the past.

For those countries, on a journey that will last ten days, Piñera seeks to meet with authorities and tie up some agreements with the European Union. It also intends resume some bilateral meetings that you had discussed in advance, for example, with the President of France, Emmanuel Macron; the Pope Francisco, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson; the King Felipe VI and the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez.

Subsequently, the Head of State will return to the country to participate in national holiday events and then eHe will head towards the United States, specifically New York, to be part of the United Nations General Assembly, being in that country since September 20 to 26.

Later, in addition, the Head of State intends to travel to Glasgow, Scotland to participate in the CUnited Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP26). In the Executive they assure that the President is invited to that event, but their assistance will depend on sanitary conditions.

Anyway, for Piñera it has always been a goal to resume his international agenda. In fact, during the first year of his government he tried to deploy a strategy to position himself abroad, however, all that, as recognized in the government, fell apart after had to suspend the organization of the Apec and COP25 summits due to the social outbreak in October 2019.

Thus, some in the Palace recognize that this agenda, in some way, it is a farewell tour in the final months of his second administration.

Regarding whether or not he will travel with the press, in the Palace they assure that it is a matter that has not yet been settled, but that it will depend on the capacity and the health situation.

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