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Piñera highlights that more than 1 million people have already benefited from the Middle Class Bonus | Economy

President Sebastian Piñera, accompanied by the Minister of Finance, Ignacio Briones and other authorities, detailed this Friday the progress in the delivery of the Bonus for the Middle Class and the State Solidarity Loan, within the framework of the Middle Class Income Protection Law.

The head of state commented that to date 1.021.115 people have benefited from the Middle Class Bonus (known as the $ 500 thousand Bonus), involving amounts that amount to US$600 millones.

Along these lines, he appreciated that 99% of the beneficiaries will choose to pay via deposit in their bank accounts.

Regarding the State Solidarity Loan, Piñera indicated that more than 564 thousand requests, of which 440,950 were issued by dependent workers, 97,015 by independent workers and 26,476 by entrepreneurs or businessmen.

In that context, he stressed that the loan is up to $ 650 thousand, which can be ordered up to three times and, therefore, can amount to $ 1,950,000.

Finally, the President briefly referred to the flaws presented by the website of the Internal Revenue Service (SII), explaining that it was due to the high traffic of visits to process these benefits.

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