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Pilsuma, a member of the Council of the Bank of Latvia, will resign

Bank of Latvia Vita Pilsuma, a member of the Supervisory Board, has decided to terminate the work. Her last working day at the central bank will be September 30 this year, the portal “Delfi” informed the bank.

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In the near future, the Governor of the Bank of Latvia, Mārtiņš Kazāks, will nominate a new candidate for the position of a member of the Bank’s Council.

On March 31, 1993, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia approved the Castle as a member of the Council of the Bank of Latvia. After that Saeima The city has been reaffirmed as a member of the Central Bank Council.

2005-2010 She was a member of the Committee of European Banking Supervisors in 2011 and a representative of the Central Bank of the Board of Supervisors of the European Banking Authority since 2011.

Pilsuma studied at the Faculty of Finance and Trade of the University of Latvia, in 2003 he obtained a master’s degree in social sciences in economics and in 2010 – a doctor’s degree in finance and credit (Dr. oec.).

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