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Pilates, what is Barrel and what are the benefits for the back

It is one of the tools used in pilates, the small barrel or hemicylindrical Spine Corrector, of various sizes, to be kept even in the living room. Advice from the expert to make the most of it

A tool for training the whole bodywith great great benefits for the vertebral column. And the Barrel conceived by JHPilates, the father of the method, used in individual training, in home fitness, in collective classes. “With the Barrel he explains Elena Buscone, massage therapist, pilates and yoga teacher – you have the right support in the exercises of mobility of the spine, of growth, in tranquility for the muscle conditioning, in accordance with the appearance and the functionality of the body. The Barrel is indicated in many training programs, for those suffering from particular pathologies, for the preparation in various sports. The proposed sequence includes exercises for the abs, arms, shoulders, buttocks, thighs, and of course the back. The program should be repeated two to three times a week. The tool can be purchased online or in specialized stores, the price is low. And in this period when gyms are closed, let’s rely on the web: numerous videos that show the correct use of this small and functional barrel “.

The program in 6 exercises

3 sets of 8 repetitions. Back to the tool, hands resting, arms straight and legs bent, feet in contact with the ground, exhaling, raise the body upwards, drawing a bridge.

3 sets of 12 repetitions. Belly resting on the upper part, legs straight in contact with the lower part of the barrel, back straight, hands at the nape of the neck, inhale. Exhale while lifting your chest and head, drawing a small arch with your back.

Rectus abdominis.
3 sets of 15 repetitions. Sitting on the flat side, legs as wide as the hips, feet on the ground, back in support, hands to support the head, elbows wide open, inhale and stretch the back. Exhale raise head and shoulders while flexing your back.

Legs and abdomen.
2 sets of 20 repetitions. Shoulders on the ground, back on the cylindrical part, hands resting laterally, legs extended and in sagittal parting, reverse the position every two exchanges, inhaling and exhaling.

3 sets of 10 repetitions. With your hands resting, legs straight, buttocks raised, legs bent, inhale by bending your arms, keeping your elbows in line with your wrists. Exhale and relax them again, returning to the starting position.

2 sets of 10 repetitions per side. Right side resting, right elbow on the ground in line with the shoulder, legs together and extended, left arm bent on the tool, inhale. As you exhale, lift your left leg then return to the starting position.

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