pii Spriditis. PREMIERE!
2024-02-17, 12:00 Liepāja Puppet Theater, hall 9.00, 8.00
First steps in kindergarten
Age | 3+
Duration | 45 min
Director | Santa Dijus
Playwright and artist| Edgar Niklason
Composer | Alexander Thomas Mathewson
Puppet Master | Krista Kipure
In the roles of | Ilze Jura, Madara Enkuzena, Andris Zełonka
Sound | Kristaps Žilinskis
Light | Jānis Braš
“Welcome to PII “Spridītis” – a place where children are cherished and always welcome! Our employees will be by your child’s daily routine and will encourage him to become a persistent explorer of the world.”
At the “Sprīdītis” Kindergarten, on the day of the open doors, wanting to present themselves from the best side, two educators and a social pedagogue introduce the children to the kindergarten’s achievements and future plans. The situation gets a bit complicated when a new child arrives at the kindergarten for the first day. Where did he come from? How to deal with him? This is a story about the first steps in kindergarten and how important it is to talk to the child and sensitively introduce them to the foreign world. Join our group!
Organizer SIA Liepājas Lellļu theaters Tickets
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2023-12-30 23:12:31