Home » today » World » Pigeons turn into “zombies”.. Spanish newspaper: Europe preparing for the emergence of an unknown virus.. Images

Pigeons turn into “zombies”.. Spanish newspaper: Europe preparing for the emergence of an unknown virus.. Images

The Spanish newspaper “Oak Diario” said that a terrifying virus that turns pigeons into zombies appears in Europe, especially in the United Kingdom, and seems like science fiction, and this virus raises the alarm in the continent, as the virus is so far unknown.

The newspaper pointed out that the behavior of the pigeons changes once infected, in addition to completely losing weight and shape, causing the pigeons to have a “crooked” neck, damaging nerve cells, and resulting in its inability to fly, as well as walking in circles so irregular.

The newspaper added that green feces is one of the symptoms that appear on pigeons as soon as they are infected with this disease, and the condition of pigeons deteriorates rapidly, which raises fears of the spread of the virus among birds in Europe, and there is also a state of terror and panic among health authorities in Europe for its effects on humans, directly or indirectly.

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Bird Exotics, one of the specialized veterinary sites that wanted to explain the dangers of this virus, confirmed that “the virus does not respond to treatment, although supportive care from a veterinarian can reduce the severity of the disease and increase the chances of it of survival.”

The virus was discovered a few weeks ago when a large number of birds were recorded showing symptoms. According to experts, it is a paramyxovirus, similar to canine tuberculosis and human measles.

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