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Pietersite from China

Pietersite is a variant of chalcedony with an incorporated amphibole. These are needle shaped crystals that produce the most beautiful colors. When the stone is rotated, several areas glow similar to the tiger’s eye, but with greater color variation.

variety of colors

The colors vary from red / brown to yellow and blue. The different colors often occur at the same time, giving the pietersite a rare beauty. This pietersite comes from China.

Storm stone full of energy

Pietersite is also known as “storm stone”. This is due to its appearance, which can take on stormy scenes. Pietersiet helps resolve past conflicts. Both in this life and in past life conflicts that still affect you. Pietersite increases concentration, which makes this stone very useful when you have to take an exam. Pietersite also stimulates the third eye, making astral travel more intense.

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