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Pieter Omtzigt’s Views on Becoming the New Prime Minister and Election Program

From his words it can be deduced that Omtzigt has no objection in principle to becoming the new resident of the Torentje. According to Omtzigt, it mainly revolves around the question of where he can exert the most influence. In the Netherlands it is customary for the largest party to provide the prime minister.

His statements can be seen in the video below:

According to the polls, Omtzigt’s NSC has a good chance of becoming the largest in the elections. The faction leader said this tonight during the RTL Election Debate with Dilan Yeşilgöz (VVD) and Frans Timmermans (GroenLinks-PvdA).

Before the elections

During the presentation of his list of candidates at the end of September, he promised to present a candidate before the elections. Time is running out because the elections are only a few weeks away. He had previously indicated that he did not want to become Prime Minister himself if the situation presented itself.

Then he said he wanted to stay in the House. The prime ministerial candidate could then have been someone on the NSC candidate list or someone from outside.

Election program

Omtzigt presented its election manifesto at the end of October. Housing associations have a major role to play in this regard in the field of housing. NSC requires them to build 350,000 houses, considerably more than the current government wants. Omtzigt wants to limit the entire migration. He wants a net migration of a maximum of 50,000 people per year. If it is up to NSC, this ceiling will apply to asylum, labor migration and study migration.

Omtzigt also wants to have two new nuclear power plants built. In the field of nitrogen, he wants more control for the farmer and a ‘common sense view of all interests’. Furthermore, NSC advocates two statuses for asylum seekers: one for people who are personally persecuted, and one for people who flee, for example, large-scale violence. The latter group must return as soon as it is safe.

Minimum wage

During the debate it became clear that VVD, GroenLinks-PvdA and NSC strongly disagree on the level of the minimum wage. VVD leader Yesilgoz wants a higher minimum wage but refused to say how much higher. Leader GroenLinks-PvdA Timmermans reiterated that his party wants to increase the minimum wage to 16 euros per hour, and as soon as possible. This was to the disgust of Pieter Omtzigt.

According to him, the minimum wage in our country is among the highest in Europe. He also pointed out the danger of youth unemployment. “If you implement the GroenLinks-PvdA plan, the minimum youth wage will increase from 6 to 16 euros. This will put young people aside,” says Omtzigt.

2023-11-05 20:52:55
#NSC #leader #Pieter #Omtzigt #doubts #premiership

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