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Piet steals the hearts of viewers, but not that of Ted in B&B Vol Liefde

In ‘B&B Vol Liefde’, B&B manageress Ted is the first husband to welcome Piet to her bed & breakfast in Madeira. Although viewers run away with him, she herself doesn’t seem to lose her heart to him.

“I also have another whistle, but it is a bit louder”

Yesterday the viewers were introduced to Ted and her first guest Piet. “He had a very nice evening yesterday. I thought so too. We had very nice conversations,” Ted summed up. Today there is something else on the schedule than a little chat. Pete has to work. As a retired carpenter, he can’t bear the fact that Ted’s terrace is untidy.

Although Piet is retired, he can’t leave the hammers and the drills alone. “When I’m at home I always look for odd jobs. If something hangs crooked, I want to hang it straight. I live up to my name: Pietje Exactly.”

Before Piet gets on his knees – to repair the terrace – Ted offers a helping hand. “Shall I put a pillow under your knees?” And then Piet can get to work comfortably. Ted is very happy with the handy Piet. “I really enjoy having someone next to me who can do that for me.”

But Piet should not throw the hat at it. “Well, you can’t lift your pants like that,” says Ted when Piet’s underpants are clearly visible after the job. She pulls up his pants with her own hands. “Otherwise you’ll see my construction worker’s crack”, Piet jokes. “I don’t like that at all,” Ted yells.

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Besides a handy Harry, Piet is also a generous giver. But is the reason so appropriate? “I have another present for you. Actually for Mother’s Day.” “I’m not your mother,” Ted responds in surprise. “That’s what my wife always said,” he says, “but she always liked it when she got some.”

“Well, here comes my son”, Ted jokes when Piet returns with the present. He bought shower foam. “Very sweet of you.”

Ted would like to show ‘her’ beautiful Madeira on a walking tour. Pete is impressed. He even feels so comfortable that he makes a pithy joke. When he whistles at Ted’s dogs, he says, “I also have another whistle, but it’s a bit louder, haha.” Ted thinks her own. “Fine.”

After some this and that along the way, Ted comes to the conclusion that it remains a bit superficial. “He talks to have to talk. I have no problem with that, but it’s never going to be an in-depth conversation. We don’t have many topics in common.”

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Piet still lovingly tries to put an arm around Ted. “I had the idea that she didn’t like that at the time. I don’t know if we got closer.”

Ted takes Piet to a beer festival. “I’m not a beer drinker. I’m doing it for him.” But Piet isn’t really a beer drinker either. “I like one or two beers, but something stronger is something I like better.”

After the Mother’s Day present, Ted Piet also wants to give something back. A special local hat with which you indicate whether you are single or busy. “I still had the post up, because there is no relationship yet of course,” Piet jokes. “But it depends on the coming days.” Ted isn’t quite sure yet. “He can still keep it up for the time being. We’ll see if it’s going to be something.”

B&B Full of Love see you every working day at 8.30 pm on RTL 4 and on Videoland you can look back and ahead.

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