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Piers Morgan was allowed to attack Meghan Markle

TV presenter Piers Morgan did not break any ethical rules when he lashed out at Meghan Markle, says the British media watchdog.

‘I don’t believe a word she says. I wouldn’t even believe her if she read the weather report.’ After the interview Meghan Markle and Prince Harry gave to Oprah Winfrey in early March, Piers pulled Morgan into the daily breakfast show. Good morning Britain, on British commercial channel ITV, is looking forward to Markle’s ‘acting performance’. He also brushed aside her accusations of racism at Buckingham Palace and her testimony about depression and suicidal thoughts as nonsense.

More than 50,000 viewers, including the directors of ITV, could not taste Morgan’s outburst. He was thanked for services rendered and Ofcom, the British media watchdog, launched an investigation. Had the flamboyant opinion-maker violated the deontological rules?

After six months of investigation, the conclusion is that the rant may have come across as ‘offensive and harmful’ to some viewers. But, the judges immediately add, Morgan had the right to voice his opinion and was countered enough by the program’s co-hosts. They did indeed answer Morgan immediately. Whereupon he angrily boned the studio not to return. An even more important consideration from the watchdog: “If we prove Piers Morgan wrong, it could have major consequences for free speech.”

‘Do I get my job back now?’

In a response to Twitter, Morgan called the ruling “a victory for free speech and a defeat for Princess Pinocchio.” He also asked if he could now get his job back. There was no response from Markle yet. Several TV journalists responded with satisfaction to Ofcom’s ruling. “It’s fantastic that they defend freedom of expression like that. TV presenters have a right to be skeptical of the rich and powerful,” said Adam Boulton, Sky News editor-in-chief.

Morgan’s departure did ITV no good. The ratings of Good morning Britain fell, as did the station’s share price. Ofcom’s ruling has also brought further fire to ITV director Carolyn McCall. Morgan says she succumbed to pressure from Markle. He would have called her and insisted on his resignation.

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