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Piero Hincapié would have received proposals from Europe, according to his father

Since his debut with the Ecuadorian team, against Colombia, for the Copa América, Piero Hincapié it aroused the interest of international clubs. His good performance in the central defense, made him win the starting position, with only 19 years, above other applicants with more experience, such as Luis León and Xavier Arreaga.

Jesús Hincapié, his father, revealed details of what happened to his son after the cupbearer’s debut. He did it in an interview for the newspaper The Sun of England, after speculating the interest of the Celtic de Glasgow.

“There has been interest in him and I know there have been bargains from clubs in Europe. But for now, those offers haven’t been big enough to convince his team’s leadership, Cordoba workshops. Now, I know that there are other great clubs in Europe that have appeared and that they are very interested in my son, “he said.

One such club is the Atlético de Madrid, that he showed interest and that the rumor gained traction on social media. But his father is optimistic. He dreams of seeing Piero in one of the giants of the Old Continent.

“Hopefully one of them can be Real Madrid, because that’s the club you’ve always dreamed of playing for. My son is excited because it is related to clubs in Europe. It’s natural. But i tell him focus on playing to soccer and leave the rest to God. After the Copa América, I hope something happens with him ”, assured Piero Hincapié’s father.

Jesus assured that she was nervous about seeing her son with the jacket of the Tri. But later he understood that he was ready. Since then Piero has been a starter in the Copa América in the three matches he has played.

“Before the game I was sweating. I prayed that the game would go well for him (…) It seemed that he had been playing for the National Team for years. At the end of the game I started crying. I saw him turn from a boy to a man in 90 minutes ”, he concluded.

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