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Piercing! 17-year-old athlete stabbed for stealing his cell phone

The young man was on his way to a martial arts competition, but criminals attacked him.

According to a report by Noticias Caracol, three criminals almost ended the life of the 17-year-old athlete, who left his home in Girón, Santander, with the intention of traveling with his companions to a martial arts competition that would take place in Cesar’s apartment, however, a few blocks from his home he was attacked.

“To the Without saying a word, they necked him in the back and stabbed him through the stomach.”, assured the father of the injured athlete.

The victim was transferred to a clinic in Floridablanca, where he underwent an emergency operation; the medical report is encouraging in the midst of the situation.

It is the second recorded attack with a knife against a minor for stealing his cell phone, in less than two weeks in Santander. The first took the life of Nickol Valentina, who was only 15 years old.

“Do justice, that it does not stay that way because they are already two athletes,” asked the grandmother of the injured young man.

With the help of security cameras, the authorities seek to identify the aggressors.

to be caught, The 17-year-old athlete’s assailants could face charges of attempted murder and qualified and aggravated robbery.

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