Home » today » News » Piedmont, 80 migrants arriving. Cirio: “The government has made fun of us” – La Stampa

Piedmont, 80 migrants arriving. Cirio: “The government has made fun of us” – La Stampa

“The government made fun of us. There was a commitment with the Interior Ministry: no other migrants would be sent to Piedmont, but it was rejected. And what’s more we learned from a news agency news ». The president of the Piedmont Region, Alberto Cirio, is furious, who today carried out an inspection in the hub of Castello d’Annone, in the province of Asti, where 40 of the 76 migrants assigned to Piedmont will arrive tonight at the request of the Ministry of the Interior after landing in Lampedusa. “Piedmont can’t do it – said the governor speaking of the 76 people who will be added to the 4.3 million inhabitants of Piedmont – especially at this time. The government makes ordinances to every rising sun. “

Already in the morning, on the news of the new migrants assigned to Piedmont, there had been friction even within the regional council. The councilor for legal affairs, Maurizio Marrone (Fdi), had not in fact spared his colleague in security, Fabrizio Ricca (Lega): it is useless to sit at the consultation tables in the prefecture and make promises to the Piedmontese if then Rome decides everything.

The arrival of the 76 migrants will engage at least 14 people from the Red Cross, who will rotate to ensure coverage of shifts; another 30 people will arrive in support of the police, including from the Guardia di Finanza.

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