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Pieces of Human Hands and Heads Found in Bengawan Solo River

WARTAKOTALIVECOM, Solo – Pieces of a human body were found in a tributary of the Bengawan Solo River, in Sukoharjo, Central Java, Sunday 21 May 2023 in the afternoon.

Dismembered left hand and body are the first body parts found.

The human body parts were found in Kali Jenes, Cemani Village, Grogol Sub-District, Sukoharjo by the Tippe Village Linmas.

After a while, another piece of left leg and human head was found on the banks of the Mojo River, Pasar Kliwon, Solo.

From the results of external identification, the victim is likely to be male.

Reporting from Kompas.com Monday (22/5) Kapolsek Kliwon Market, AKP Marwanto explained that this finding was known after a report from the Community Protection Unit (Linmas).

Marwanto said the discovery was thanks to a resident who was fishing around the river.

The resident was then suspicious and could smell a pungent stench in the river flow then he immediately reported the finding to the police.

“One resident who was fishing, smelled a pungent smell coming from the river. From Linmas, he reported it to us, then the INAFIS team went straight to the location to carry out the evacuation process,” said the police chief.

Meanwhile, Surakarta Police Chief Kombes Pol Iwan Saktiadi said that there were successive findings of pieces of a human body, his party coordinated with the Sukoharjo Police.

Given the discovery of other bodies in the river from the two regions, namely Solo City and Sukoharjo Regency.

Currently, the body parts and coconut are temporarily placed at the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Dr Moewardi, Solo City.

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