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CountryFor most animals, sleep is an important process that performs many functions.
Sleep can be interpreted, foranimalsas a state of altered consciousness, organizing HomeostasisDecreased response to changes in external stimuli.
In this context, we present to you a list of animals It is said that she never sleeps. According to the siteviva.co.id”
These marine mammals do not need to sleep for quite some time.
do not sleep dolphins Newborns (Tursiops truncates) during the first month of their life. The reason for this is simple: you must step on Surface of the water every 3 to 30 seconds so you can breathe. During this period, the mothers, in turn, have to stay awake while the young ones rest.
This has also been observed among killer whales.
Frigate bird
The researchers were able to put together small devices that measure brain activity Frigate birds They found that while these birds took long journeys across the oceans, they only slept for just 42 minutes, on average.

Although there is no direct evidence, it is assumed that other birds must have creative ways of sleeping in flight.
Some insects sleep for very short periods. For example, small percentages of female fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) were found to sleep for an average of 72 minutes per day, with one specimen found to sleep for only 4 minutes per day.

Other insects are known to sleep very little or go into hibernation, which is also characterized by decreased metabolism, body temperature, and alertness.
American frog
One experiment showed that the American frog, Lithobates catesbeianus, does not enter a state of sleep, but in fact it enters a state of rest throughout the day.
In one study, scientists shocked frogs during the day and at night when they appeared to be asleep. Although the researchers expected the response to stimuli to be slower during sleep, the responses were similar during the day and at night.

The only time they sleep properly is during hibernation.