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Pickles: indications and contraindications. Who should consume them with caution

The healthiest pickles are those prepared at home, from water and salt never before, stored in glass jars. It is recommended that pickles with vinegar be consumed as rarely as possible, because only pickles with salt contain lactic acids.

Each type of pickle is indicated for a condition. For example, cucumbers have the property of lowering cholesterol, cauliflower has the role of slowing down the aging process, and green tomatoes fight viruses.

They strengthen the immune system

Because they have probiotics, pickles are beneficial for people who either face an imbalance of the intestinal flora and low immunity, or after an intake of anti-inflammatory or antibiotic drugs.

They are also indicated for those receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy. But only pickles prepared in brine are rich in probiotics, unlike pickles in summer.

Find out on clicksanatate.ro who should eat pickles with caution

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