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Physical exercise has effects similar to those of coffee (with caffeine) on the brain

If you belong to that group of people to whom the coffee doesn’t feel too good or you just want to reduce the dose of caffeine, but it is hard for you to give up the psychoactive effects it produces in the brain, New research from the Western University of Ontario (Canada) advises physical exercise as an ideal alternative.

And it is that the results of the work of a team of researchers from the Canadian university, the first of its kind, which has been published in ‘Nature Scientific Reports’, concludes that 20 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise, in this case on a treadmill, had the same effect as a cup of coffee on the participants’ working memory, which was divided into two groups. The researchers found that exercise can be as effective as caffeine to also improve mood and concentration.

Caffeine: most consumed psychoactive substance

How many of us use caffeine to activate at the beginning of the day or when we feel faint? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), caffeine is one of the “most widely used psychoactive substances” in the world and it is true that scientific evidence supports coffee consumption, which has also been associated with lower mortality for all the causes longer longevity, but it is no less true that not everyone works.

Recommended dose of caffeine

For those who simply do not want to give up coffee or are worried about the effects of caffeine, remember that The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) ensures that the moderate caffeine consumption, about 400mg, the equivalent of a maximum of 5 cups of coffee, can be ingested as part of a balanced diet framed in an active lifestyle. Not forgetting, of course, that The dose should not exceed 200mg a day during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Caffeine consumption in some cases can cause certain side effects such as headache, anxiety, increased heart rate, insomnia or stomach problems. But it is difficult to give up that “push” that caffeine offers, so the existence of an alternative as healthy as a short exercise session to achieve similar effects is great news.

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