Home » today » Business » Photovoltaics on roofs: Limitations on self-production – What is changing – 2024-08-05 11:31:02

Photovoltaics on roofs: Limitations on self-production – What is changing – 2024-08-05 11:31:02

The road is “narrowing”, at least temporarily, for the self-production of energy (net billing) from photovoltaics in apartment buildings and in commercial buildings with shops, offices, businesses.

The ministerial decision (MA) which was put up for public consultation on June 27 is expected from day to day to make its way to the National Printing Office and, according to information, will have a key change compared to the original text.


The installation of one or more photovoltaics in a shared or jointly owned property area will only be possible under the condition of the absolute majority (100%) of the co-owners of the building.

That is, exactly as it happens today, which prevents their establishment because there is always someone who disagrees. The YA plan that had been put up for consultation proposed the consent of a reduced majority, i.e. 51%, a percentage that is also in line with the Commission’s recommendations.

It is noteworthy that last May the European Commission, in order to encourage the penetration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in the building sector, proposed not to require consent for the installation of solar systems in apartment buildings or to require a marginal majority (51%).

The majority

According to sources from the Ministry of Environment and Energy, the will of the government is moving in the same direction. However, to enact the 51% would have to override apartment building regulations that prevent the installation of solar systems, which may involve questions of unconstitutionality.

Therefore, in order not to raise the question of canceling the YA for self-production, in the event of an appeal to the CoE, it was decided by the government’s energy staff not to include this specific change in it, before a legally solid solution is found, in cooperation with the co-competent ministries.

Until then, the “thorns” for self-generation in apartment buildings and commercial buildings will remain. Unless the most skeptical co-owners are swayed by the provision for energy offsetting, under the scheme of collective self-consumption (it was provided for in Law 5037/2023 and will be specified with the YA) for the inclusion of the consumption of shared buildings.

The three-year clearing period for net-metering is maintained

The final text of the Ministerial Decision, as stated by an official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will have another change, compared to the text of the consultation.

In the case of net-metering, the transfer of any excess injected energy from previous metering periods will continue until the first settlement bill issued after three years (and not one year as originally proposed) from the activation of the station’s connection production.

To net billing

More generally, the YA that will determine the new “road map” of self-production of energy in the way of implementing net-billing (synchronized netting) which is the successor scheme of net-metering (energy netting) for households and commercial consumers who decide to install photovoltaic system will provide for the following:

– The sale of the excess energy in the simultaneous netting (that is, the energy that is not self-consumed at the time it is produced) will be done at the wholesale market clearing price during the hours of injection into the electricity grid.

– Residential self-consumers will not be considered self-employed and thus will not be subject to tax obligations for the disposal of the generated and injected energy in the context of netting.

– For the sale of excess energy on the Energy Exchange, residential self-consumers will be represented by the Administrator of Renewable Energy Sources and Guarantees of Origin (DAPEEP), who will play the role of the Cumulative Representation Body (FoSE) free of charge.

– Commercial self-consumers should cooperate with a FoSE for a fee.

– Especially for the Non-Interconnected Islands (NID), where there is no organized market, the excess energy will be paid to the self-producer at a price (€/MWh) which is equal to the Special Purchase Price of RES and CHP technologies published by DAPEEP and cleared by the NDN Administrator (DEDDIE) in each of the electrical systems of the specific islands.

– Collective self-consumption at the building level (i.e. in apartment buildings and commercial buildings with shops, offices, businesses) is envisaged with the application of virtual simultaneous netting (virtual net-billing). At least two self-consumers located in the same building will be able to jointly participate in activities and regulate between them the sharing of the energy produced by their stations.

In the energy offset, under the form of collective self-consumption, the consumption of communal buildings will be able to be included. However, for the specific provision for joint self-consumption to be able to “work”, the legal formula must be found that will allow the co-owners’ consent to be limited to 51%.

– In the case of simultaneous offsetting (net-billing), the power of each installed generating station can be up to 100% of the agreed consumption power (in kVA). In the case of virtual simultaneous offsetting (virtual net-billing), the power of each installed generation station can be up to 200% of the installed power of all offset consumption.

– In the event that the RES station of the self-consumer belongs to a third party, the financial result of the injected energy or the excess energy for the cases of simultaneous netting, which is sold on the market, will be able to benefit the third party, owner of the station or the self-producer following the bilateral agreement between them.

– The self-producer owning a RES generating station will be able to enter into bilateral electricity purchase and sale contracts (PPAs) for the excess energy for the cases of the simultaneous netting paid by the market. Accordingly, the supplier or FOSE will be able to guarantee a fixed selling price for the excess energy.

Source: ot.gr

#Photovoltaics #roofs #Limitations #selfproduction #changing

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