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PHOTOS Miss France 2021: winter sports, sun and bikini, discover the old Instagram photos of Amandine Petit

Saturday, December 19, Amandine Petit won the ninety-first election of Miss France, succeeding Clémence Botino. A new celebrity for the young woman of twenty-three years, whose Instagram account we invite you to discover today.

They were more than eight million viewers watching the ninety-first Miss France election this Saturday, December 19. An impressive figure, which has even exceeded the symbolic bar of ten million usually reserved for the World Cup matches of the French football team. At the end of the ceremony, it was therefore Amandine Petit who was elected to succeed Clémence Botino. The 23-year-old Normande comes from Caen and is pursuing management studies there: “ I am very happy, I was not expecting it, all the candidates were wonderful, no matter who was the winner, it was a wonderful experience »She confided to France Bleu Cotentin after her coronation in the Miss Normandy election. On Instagram, his profile is now followed by more than three hundred thousand curious and curious, eager for clichés illustrating his new life and his new prerogatives.

Three years ago…

It is August 11, 2017 that Amandine Petit publishes her first photograph on the famous social network. A simple holiday shot on which she appears from behind. Then come the endless bikini photographs under the benevolence of a complicit sun, without counting the countless snapshots of winter sports stays, one of the great passions of the new Miss France. September 26 marks a radical change. It is indeed on this date that Amandine Petit was elected Miss Normandy. Her Instagram profile therefore welcomes new, more polished photographs on which the young woman reveals the qualities of a model that she had worked on. by posing in a wedding dress last July. « Memories in my head As she wrote more than a year ago, in April 2019, until her coronation yesterday. And his fans did not fail to celebrate the good news: “ The crown of Miss France is fully legitimate to you », Can we now read in commentary of one of his old publications.

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