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PHOTOS Gims papa: he reveals rare moments with his children in front of the cameras of 50mn Inside

This Saturday, May 29, 50 ‘inside devoted a report to Gims, revealing in particular unpublished images of the singer alongside his wife DemDem and their children during a stay in the Maldives.

First a member of the group Sexion d’Assault alongside Black M and Lefa among others, Gims released his first solo album in 2013. Entitled Subliminal, the album exceeds one million sales and becomes certified double diamond disc. The beginning of fame since his following albums will also be a great public success. In 2019, it also becomes the first French-speaking rapper to fill the Stade de France during a concert bringing together more than 70,000 spectators. Recently, he stood out by performing a cover of the song Belle from the musical Notre-Dame de Paris alongside his brother Dadju and Slimane… a cover that unfortunately failed to conquer the hearts of Internet users!

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Very discreet by nature, inseparable from his eternal sunglasses, Gims is the happy father of three children he had with his wife DemDem, of whom he hardly ever speaks to me: ” I let my children flourish. Personally, I have a lot of memories of myself as a kid and I know what I liked and what I didn’t like about an adult. I don’t want my children to have this view of me. I let them have fun “He explained in particular to TV Magazine in September 2020,” I try to put the right sentences at the right time, to teach them about life, but while laughing, because it is more effective. Since I’m not around often, I find it hard to be hard on them ».

This Saturday, May 29, these are therefore unpublished images that were captured by the cameras of 50 ‘inside. Gims and his wife are indeed immortalized alongside their offspring, during a stay in the Maldives. A rare and precious moment, as the singer explained: “ This is important because, in truth, I don’t often have the opportunity. They are the children of confinement as I call them. There was some good in all of this. It allowed me to spend time with them suddenly. Usually I’m on tour, I don’t even come back for a week, I leave for three weeks, I come back for four days, I leave for two weeks… And then it’s true that I was able to spend a lot of time with them.»An oh so important presence which moreover makes his wife fear deconfinement!

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