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Photos from Jhonier Leal’s cell sparked outrage on social media

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Following the controversy generated by the video related to the case of the death of the renowned stylist Mauricio Leal and his motherMarlene Hernández, murdered in November 2021 by Jhonier Leal, according to the courts, the case continues to be a topic of conversation.

Now they met some Photos of Jhonier Leal’s cell in prison giving way to what would be new details of the case that generated rejection in many Colombians through social networks.

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The accused is serving a 55-year prison sentence for the tragic double homicidesince just a few months ago the justice system closed the legal case with all responsibility falling to Jhonier.

With the video where Mauricio was seen dying during his last moments of life, now it is added that on social networks They released some photos of Jhonier’s cell and how it is decorated.

This is what Jhonier Leal’s cell looks like

These details of the video caught the attention on social networks. But one was more striking than the others and it was about some photos that this subject would have in his cell.

On the wall facing the bed there are some photos pasted and according to the comments of the Internet users, in these photos are the victims of the case along with Jhonier and other family members.

In addition, there would also be some religious messages pasted next to the photos. Despite that, it is clear that in the images the identity of the people in these photographs cannot be clearly seen.

This fact immediately generated quite a bit of controversy on social media because of comments like “does he have no conscience or remorse having photos of his family there?”, and “It is a disgrace that he has photos of his family when he himself murdered two members of it”users said.

Amenities in prison?

Other details that caught attention were: the “conveniences” with whom the man who murdered his brother and mother supposedly lives.

In the images, a space of a few square meters was seen with a well-made bed, shelves, a mirror, mats, a trash can, a towel, and even toiletries.

In another image that clearly shows another angle of the same space, it can be seen that it also has a dustpan, a broom and a mop.

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