* The authors are part of the community of La Vanguardia readers
On these dates, one of the most represented decorations are the stars. In this case, I have interpreted them photographically for La Vanguardia’s Readers’ Photos with the African daisies that have remained dry on the plant and the calyxes of the roses, playing with the clouds and reflections. I have given them a dynamic touch, like a Christmas melody.
Flowers like stars.
Isaura Marcos Expand
Inspirational natural star.
Isaura Marcos
These images also reminded me of this poem, Atoms and Stars, by David Jou, included in the book En la teva llum / En tu luz (Vienna Edicions, 2022).
Flowers shaped like stars.
Isaura Marcos
David You
Atoms and stars
Lum resplendor de la Llum!: so many stars!
And, forming within them,
the atoms that last the surprise of life
and, in life, to the surprise of love and thought.
Flowers, atoms and stars.
Isaura Marcos
High Light that you will love from the first moment
matter, life, love and thought
that one day, in the universe, I would sense you, I would look for you,
I would fight with you, I would desire you,
how you shine every night in the splendor of the firmament!
Flowers interpreted as stars.
Isaura Marcos
It also shines in us! – untamed and rebellious breath
sprung from the matter you formed in the sky
knowing that in the universe there would one day be this longing
with which we deny you or seek you,
and what we love or mistreat
the kind or fearful humanity of others.
Star flower.
Isaura Marcos Read also
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2024-01-02 12:45:58
#Flowers #atoms #stars