ROMA – The steps with which people abandon their land due to war, poverty and climate change. Steps that sometimes endanger life itself, but without which there would be no hope of a better future. Steps with which people move to find safe ways and new possibilities for their children. Keep going, don’t stop, overcome obstacles and walls. Leaving can sometimes mean dying at sea or in the desert, but many other times it means gaining life.

The author. Marco Palombi, a free lance photojournalist, works for Repubblica, La Stampa and other newspapers. Since the 90s of the last century he has been traveling in search of images for his reportages always dedicated to ethnic minorities, nomadic peoples and the contrasts between West and East. His shots allowed him to win the 2023 ANIMA award for photography.

The exhibition. It will be inaugurated on Saturday 16 March at 5.30pm at the exhibition space of the Circolo degli Esteri, Lungotevere dell’Acqua Acetosa 42, in Rome where it will remain until 13 April. The exhibition is presented by Contemporary Whitean art gallery that takes care of experimental and investigative projects in the artistic environment, active throughout the national territory.