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“Photographer Injured by Police at Spontaneous Demonstration in Lyon”

He was in the process of “breathing”, of “recovering [ses] spirits” when he saw a group of four to five policemen arrive. Moments later, he was hit in the face with a truncheon.

That evening, two days after the use of article 49.3 to pass the pension reform, this 55-year-old photographer was covering a spontaneous demonstration in Lyon. He lodged a complaint with the public prosecutor of Lyon. The prosecution confirmed to Progress that the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) had been seized. The scene was filmed by another freelance videographer.

Three days of ITT and seven days off work

The facts took place on March 18. The procession had just left the Place du Maréchal Lyautey, shortly after 8 p.m. and the police had already used tear gas to disperse the crowd of demonstrators. The photographer had moved away, in front of a bar, he told the local media, before being attacked by a police officer. He explains that he was not taking pictures at the time but had his camera on him.

After a “two-hour black hole”, he went to the emergency room which reported a “hematoma swelling of the left cheek with regard to the maxillary sinus and distal fractures of teeth n ° 11, 21 and 22 ” , reports the daily. He also had three days of ITT and seven days off work.

At the beginning of April, the police force had also been seized after the broadcast of a video where we see a Lyon policeman undressing a demonstrator on the sidelines of a mobilization against police violence.

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