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Photo workshop “Body Art”: lighting and nudes with acrobat as a model

At this all-day workshop led by sports and portrait photographer Jürg Kaufmann (JK Photography) Photo amateurs first learn a few things about lighting in the studio and then apply this knowledge in practice. Under his guidance, you shoot artistic nudes of an international model who works as an acrobat and fitness photo model.

The all-day workshop is aimed at ambitious amateurs and begins in the morning with an introduction to the studio flash, which is followed by the practical part with the nude model in the afternoon. In the course of the afternoon, four scenes from static to dynamic nudes are realized with the model in the studio light, whereby the participants apply their newly acquired knowledge of lighting in practice. At the end of the day, each participant aims to have some impressive and high-quality fine art nudes.

The artists are the photographer Jürg Kaufmann as workshop leader and the model Laetitia Bouffard, who appears as an acrobat at the Cirque du Soleil and works as a nude and fitness model. For example, the Spanish edition of Playboy 2020 was photographed for a photo series.

Der Workshop


The full-day workshop, which will take place on July 13, 2021 (Sunday) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Zurich-Leimbach, is divided into two blocks.

Am morning it’s about getting to know and mastering studio flashes with various light shapers for targeted lighting design and image effects. This is conveyed using a simple object in different lighting situations.

  • Introduction to the studio and the lighting equipment with studio flashlight and various light shapers, the know-how for their use
  • Learning how to use professional studio flash including light shapers and getting to know their properties and possible uses of the various light shapers
  • Using a large ostrich egg as a very simple object, the effects of light, shadow, contrast and the effects of lighting are demonstrated.
  • Effect of large and small light sources and influence of position and distance to the object to be photographed
  • Each participant can photograph the various lighting concepts himself with his camera

Am afternoon the photo shoot takes place with a model, where the lighting is implemented with the nude model. Four different scenes are put in the right light and each participant has the opportunity to take their own photos. Each participant should be able to take at least four different and successful recordings home with them.

  • Shooting with a professional body art model in four settings: four lighting concepts are set up and these are photographed in collaboration with the model


The workshop is led by sports and portrait photographer Jürg Kaufmann, who uses simple, clear examples to convey his extensive knowledge in a practical manner.


The model is Laetitia Bouffard, an international fitness model (Instagram) and acrobat (including Cirque du Soleil) and yoga instructor

Number of participants:

The number of participants is limited to five photographers, because everyone should have the chance to take their own picture of each of the four sets in order to understand the lighting concept and to take a good shot. The participants should know the basics of photography and master their equipment.


The workshop takes place in Jürg Kaufmann’s 200 square meter professional photo studio. It is located in Zurich-Leimbach at Spindelstrasse 2 on the 2nd floor.

Date Time:

On June 13, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. including a short lunch break


Deutsch / English


Studio and studio flash are provided. Use is part of the workshop. The participants take their own photographic equipment with them. A system camera (reflex or mirrorless camera) with suitable lenses and memory cards is ideal. The participants should be able to operate their equipment. Ideally, you should take a notebook with you along with a memory card reader and material for personal notes. The workshop is independent of camera brands.

Information about the workshop and registration

Workshop-Details: Info page, juergkaufmann (at) me.com, Tel: 079 420 01 53
Management: Jürg Kaufmann, www.juergkaufmann.com

Price: CHF 490 (including a small lunch)
Ticketing: Ticketino

Date: Sunday, July 13, 2021, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Place: Photo studio JK Photography, Jürg Kaufmann, Spindelstrasse 2 (2nd floor), 8041 Zurich
Arrival: public transport with S-Bahn S4 (SZU) to Zurich Manegg station or Auto (On-site parking)

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