On Wednesday evening, the premiere of one of the most awaited domestic films – “Mother’s milk” by Inara Kolmanes took place in the “Splendid Palace” cinema. Former President Vaira Vīke-Freiberga was also among the guests of the premiere with Mr. Imanta, and this is her first public appearance after the operation.
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The ex-president, who is loved by the people, moved in the cinema with the help of a cane, but composer Raimonds Tiguls and a bodyguard helped her to overcome the steps.
Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga has had problems with her knees for a long time and at the end of last year she underwent an operation right here in Latvia.
In January, the ex-president confirmed to the magazine “Privatā Dzīve” that she is now devoting all her efforts to recovery. Before Christmas, she returned home from the hospital and continued to recover, as she had planned to respond to the invitation to attend the premiere of Mother’s Milk, which will be her first outing this year.

The premiere of the long-awaited movie was attended by relatives of the actors, people working in the field of culture, as well as gourmets of domestic culture.