28 minutes ago
Lyubov Tolkalina
45-year-old Lyubov Tolkalina is one of the most sought-after Russian actresses. In recent years, the charming beauty has been trying not to flaunt her personal life, sharing her innermost with fans only on special occasions.
With the heir to the famous creative dynasty, Yegor Konchalovsky, the beautiful artist lived for almost two decades. The couple got a common child, but a few years ago, Masha’s parents decided to part on a friendly note. As the director later complained, the former lover was always in perpetual motion and did not at all appreciate the stability, which, on the contrary, he valued so much.
Subsequently, Lyubov Tolkalina became the heroine of secular gossip. It was rumored that the beauty then had affairs with many famous men, however, this information, most likely, is nothing more than ordinary speculation.
But it is known for certain about the real boyfriend of Tolkalina. As a life partner, the artist chose the famous British composer Simon Bass. The couple, although they do not live permanently together, somehow manages to maintain a romantic relationship to this day. At the same time, the actress continues to remember and honor the traditions of the ex-husband’s family. With special trepidation, the celebrity recalls the legendary writer, poet and playwright Sergei Mikhalkov, the grandfather of Yegor Konchalovsky.
Today, on the official page of Tolkalina on Instagram, an archival photograph appeared, in which she is depicted with her only child. The shot was taken at Masha’s christening, where among the guests was the author of a poem about the idol of Soviet kids about Uncle Styopa. The actress, who presented the baby, touched the fans with her youth and fresh look, and then she had just given birth to a daughter. By the way, now the culprit of that very celebration has grown up and also turned into a beauty to match her mother.
More recently, Lyubov Tolkalina provoked a scandal by posting a candid photo on her personal microblog. Posing for the camera in fishnet tights and no underpants outright outraged some Internet users who did not appreciate the March prank of the bitter actress.