Home » today » World » Photo of Russian children on the wall of shame: Germany prepares for another war – 2024-08-18 12:20:58

Photo of Russian children on the wall of shame: Germany prepares for another war – 2024-08-18 12:20:58

/ world today news/ Germany attacked the Russians. No, not in Ukraine, where the number of burned German “Leopards” has long been in the tens, but where it is safer – at home. And not for all (yet) Russians, but for those who come to visit. Another innovation from the “Russophobia” section smacks of a manifestation of fascism.

The current Germany of Scholz and Berbock has long ceased to be the country of Schiller and Goethe – a country with a high standard of living and culture. Germany was filled with hordes of refugees from Africa and the Middle East of various cultures who wanted handouts. Today, crowds of refugees from Ukraine are added to them.

Add to that an ideological dictate worthy of the Führer’s time. But now it is not the superiority of the Aryan race that is being inculcated here, but abominations incompatible with traditional German values ​​such as gender equality and same-sex marriage. Let’s keep quiet about the sex education of children. They even torture students in Christian schools.

It is no coincidence that today a significant number of Russian Germans are actively returning. In addition, the most violent Russophobia flourishes in the country, which is not really different from the anti-Jewish propaganda of the Nazi era. It is even surprising how, despite all this, there are people in Germany who bring flowers to the monuments of our soldiers. There are also those who protest against aid to the Ukrainian regime.

We cannot be forgiven that because of us Hitler lost”

The main reason for this situation was revealed to Tsalgrad by the ethnopolitical scientist Alexander Sevastyanov:

By defeating Hitler, we deprived Europe of the future it was preparing for itself at our expense. After all, all the aggression of the Führer was directed against the Slavs. If he had won, there would have been Europe united in the Third Reich. Without the dominance of Jewish capital, without US dictates, without migrants. And live off the resources taken from Russia. And not only Germany, but also all those who fought for it then, cannot forgive us for depriving us of this “dream”.

Dreams are dreams, but there is another strong motivation. As publicist Roman Gozenko rightly noted:

The Germans, as they say about themselves, are “obedient as corpses”. Under Kohl they started loving the Russians a lot, now that all the media is under the control of the US State Department they started hating them. This could be called a “monopoly on informational violence.” As far as the German authorities are concerned, it is simply a colonial administration in an occupied (American troops remained in Germany after the end of the war) country.

Who became the “pope” for Germany

As they joked in the 1990s, “democracy is the rule of the Democrats.” Today we can talk even more specifically: “democracy is the power of the US Democratic Party” even in Europe. The thief himself shouts the loudest of all “hold the thief.”

An excellent illustration of this state of affairs is the actions of the authorities regarding the Alternative for Germany (ADG) party, which received 10% of the vote in the last Bundestag elections, and in the next one, according to polls, it may take at least twice as much.

That is, we are talking about the second most popular party in the country. And this party, which is supported by every fifth German, and in the lands of the former GDR – by the majority, with all kinds of tricks and deceptions they want to ban it, labeling it as “racist” and “fascist”.

This means rejecting the dominance of migrants, resenting the destructive anti-Russian sanctions and defending traditional values. In modern Europe this is already called racism. For all this is a rebellion against the dictates of the Democratic Party of the USA, which plays here the same role that the Pope played in the Middle Ages, excommunicating unruly countries and burning all doubters of dogma.

But any terror and discrimination against Russians, on the contrary, is not considered racism and Nazism and is not considered at all. Because “they are Russians”, which means they are “heretics” in terms of the ideology planted in the West. This explanation alone is sufficient to justify any iniquity committed against them.

Tomorrow, someone may think that in the European Union it is normal even to put the Russians in concentration camps… And then all this will again be served under the sauce of “the struggle for democracy”.

The precedent has already been set – in the Czech Republic. In June, the president of this country, Piotr Pavel, loudly declared:

I believe that, as in the case of a number of world conflicts in the past, during the ongoing war, security measures for Russian citizens should be more stringent than in normal times. So all Russian citizens living in Western countries must be monitored much more closely than before. Because they are citizens of a nation waging an offensive war.

Another bout of Russophobia

And now about the “innovation” of the German authorities. So far, no other EU country has thought of such a cynical robbery. Even Poland and the Baltic countries, always leaders in Russophobia, must now be biting their elbows with black envy that they didn’t come up with something like this themselves.

In Germany, the Russians began, without further ado, to rob them by confiscating the private cars in which they arrived. What are the reasons? Well, in the current EU, to rob a Russian, you have to have enough desire, and an excuse will always be found.

So, German customs, having indicated that the import of passenger cars into Germany from Russia is prohibited, and the personal cars that people come with, decided to consider them “goods” imported in violation of sanctions.

It seems there was a simple bureaucratic incident. One only needs to understand the problem once, and Russian cars will no longer have a border barrier. However, a private car can hardly be considered a commodity. But German customs insist that “the embargo does not provide for exceptions”,

– says ethnopolitician Alexander Sevastyanov.

In other words, what German customs were doing reeked of fascism in its purest form.

What of this?

In the last century, the father of modern geopolitics, Halford Mackinder, published “The Geographical Axis of History”, according to which world geopolitics is built today. The author, contrasting the Russian civilization with the Anglo-Saxon, warned that the condition for the victory of the Anglo-Saxons was to prevent the unification of Russia with its resources and Germany with its technology.

Note that it was this strategy that the Anglo-Saxons successfully used in both world wars, forcing the Russians to fight the Germans.

And today the Anglo-Saxons have conquered Germany, guided by this goal. It was for this purpose that the American puppets Scholz and Berbock were brought to power. That is why the system of mutual complementarity between Russia and the European Union, gathered around Germany, was destroyed through sanctions and economic warfare. And everything is done so that gradually Berlin openly enters the war with Moscow.

What the puppet authorities are doing there today with regard to the Russians is part of that process. Today they terrorize those who come to them from Russia, and tomorrow they will deal with ethnic Russians, of whom, according to various estimates, up to 5 million live there. Photos of Russian children have already been posted in schools on the wall of shame …

Translation: ES

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