Home » today » Entertainment » PHOTO Coralie Porrovecchio pregnant with her second child? This cliché that intrigues Internet users

PHOTO Coralie Porrovecchio pregnant with her second child? This cliché that intrigues Internet users

This Tuesday, May 25, 2021, Coralie Porrovecchio published a new photo of her dating from the birthday party of her son Leeroy. Internet users are certain that the former reality TV contestant is pregnant for the second time.

Are Coralie Porrovecchio and her fiancé Boubacar Kamara ready to reconnect with the joys of welcoming a newborn baby? One year ago, on May 23, 2020, Leeroy was born, the first child of the couple formed by the former candidate of Secret Story and the footballer. On the occasion of the first birthday of his son, the former Miss and ex of Raphaël Pépin marked the blow by posting a tender publication on Instagram.

A first childbirth which was difficult but of which she keeps wonderful memories because of the birth of her offspring. “Today is a very special day for me because, 1 year ago already, I was going to meet the person who would change my life forever. This little being who would finally give it meaning. The most personable person. special of my heart with whom I was sure to share the rest of my life at all costs. The one for whom my love is indescribable. A little boy more than wonderful, kind and smiling. The one who reminds me every day how much my life is beautiful by his side. Thank you for being there. Your daddy and I love you madly and forever “, she wrote on social media on May 23, 2021.

“She is pregnant”

Two days later, this Tuesday, May 25, 2021, Coralie Porrovecchio posted a snapshot dating from the party organized for her child. She can be seen posing in front of a swimming pool. Leeroy’s name is written in large letters. The outfit chosen by the young mother attracted all eyes: a very loose dress. According to internet users, the young woman wants to hide a second pregnancy. “She’s pregnant”, “You can tell she’s pregnant”, or even “Baby 2” can we read in the comments. For now, Coralie Porrovecchio has not responded to the rumor …

Coralie Porrovecchio on Instagram

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