Home » Entertainment » Photo and video: The real, old Livs raised their shields again

Photo and video: The real, old Livs raised their shields again

Already fifty-one years ago, all the groups that were recognized as winners in the annual city show in 1972, including the unnamed Liepaja House of Culture ensemble led by Pavītola, who won first place, took to the stage of the Liepāja theater.

In the past year, both of them together with their son Matīs have performed in many places with the program of songs written at the very beginning (1972-1983), and the meeting in the theater on Saturday was like a closing event, or – everything is almost the same as then.

Before the concert “We have risen from the dead” all the tickets were sold and the hall was full of listeners, including the gallery.

Juris Pavītols with his son Matīs Pavītolas, Aivars Hermanis, Valdis Skujiņš, Tālis Marhilēvičs, Ritvars Knesis and Raimonds Gabaliņš came on stage to play music together.

As J. Pavītols told backstage before going to the audience,

the main thing in the concert will be his own music, lyrics and the coming together of all invited. It’s simple, without special effects.

Thank you very much for your support to the Liepāja Culture Board.

“However, I want to say that today you will be able to hear the real “Livus”. Those who call themselves that today … well, you need some sense of honor, and you don’t need to be a pig. “Līvi” is not the name of a bakery with a manager and sellers that change from time to time.

I wanted to show that back then, fifty or forty years ago, we were not badgers at all! (Smiles). After all, why did so many people want to play in “Livos”?”.

Talis Marhilevičs recalled: “According to my calculations,

most of this maturity I have known you for 53 years. Time flies so fast that who knows when we will be able to get together again in such a company. Nice to see the old ones again briquettes!”.

As several of the addressed people admitted before the concert, they came here to listen to good music and good lyrics.

Inga from Liepāja stated that, in her opinion, the songs written by Jura Pavītolas “have words that can be heard and thought along with, not two or four lines that are repeated all the time like many modern authors…”

Iveta Ansone and Daina Matule were really looking forward to the concert, because “we haven’t heard anything from the old “Livas” for so long”. And he added with a smile: “We are also from that distant time, that is, from the beginning of the group. We grew up with this music”.

Both are happy that many young people came to the concert. Jura Pavītola’s daughter Zane Lobānova came to her father’s concert to support him in this event.

“Dad always had his own thoughts and beliefs.

Can songs created fifty, forty years ago still be relevant today? In my understanding, nothing has actually changed from their topicality, and that is already the power of these songs.

Today we think, love, feel, and fear the same things we did back then”.

After the song “Shields” was played as the last concert, the audience cheered so that it was clear that everything is not over yet. Three more beautiful songs by Jura Pavitolas followed. After that, applause and flowers for the founder of the “Līvi” group Juris Pavītola.

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